
Rediscovering the Wisdom
of Human Nature

By Chet Shupe

Honoring Life’s Law

In Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature, I describe how evolution programmed the feelings of all animals, so that, by doing what they love doing, they automatically serve the life of their species. As unlikely as it may seem, one simple law maintains the order required for countless species to live in sufficient harmony for life to flourish on this planet. I call it “The Law of Life”:

To serve life, do things that feel good, and avoid activities that result in emotional pain.

For a species to exist requires more than just its physical manifestation. If the species is to flourish, evolution must also govern individual behavior. Thus, a species requires an emotional—or spiritual—manifestation, as well. To provide it, evolution gave every animate being the ability to feel, and programmed its feelings, so that, by seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, it contributes to its species’ wellbeing. Contrary to all other lifeforms on earth, the human species rejected evolution’s governance, and created an artificial order prescribed by rules and laws. The fact that each of us experiences sensations of pleasure and pain reveals that evolution is still trying to control our behavior through the guidance of our spirits. But, as subjects of written laws, we are not free to comply with The Law of Life. Indeed, the suffering we modern humans experience, in our personal and collective lives, is the means by which evolution is informing us that we are not honoring life’s law.

But our species need not be doomed, nor our happiness eternally repressed! Once we understand why our ancestors felt compelled to outlaw Nature’s governance, and why we feel it necessary to continue the practice, we will know what we must do, to regain our spiritual freedom—the freedom to serve life. Once we’re free to do what feels good, our emotions will lead us to spiritual homes—places where we support and trust each other, as the beings Nature created, not the contrived ones our rules and laws keep forcing us to be.

Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature by Chet Shupe is an insightful, honest, and intriguing read about the impact of civilization on inner peace and happiness.— Scarbaby

Have you ever wondered what consciousness is? Can you tap into the wisdom provided by your feelings? Did you know that you are under the subjugation of moral laws that force you to ditch your spiritual obligations?”    —Centfie

“What I like about the book is the same thing I hate about it. From Shupe’s point of view, I find his aggression towards civilization somehow reasonable.”  — AfraBrb

“I see this manuscript becoming a highly praised philosophical read that will be enjoyed by anyone seeking to understand the madness of our civilization.” —Rasheedah Hakeem

“I would humbly recommend this book to those who, like me, have always felt unmoored from life and have never understood why.”  —Anjellina

To look inside the book, Click Here.

Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature can be purchased at:  Amazon.com

An audio version can be purchased at BookBaby.


The Problem With Rules

The Brain Diagram

The Spiritual Authority of Sisterhoods – The Hope for Mankind

Who Am I

What About Death- Why Modern People Fear It

The Law of Life

 Artificial Intelligence- A Blessing for A Curse

Why We Humans No Longer Love Another

My Special Evening In Oak Creek Canyon

How Human Rights Silence Our Love for Our Fellow Man

Does Evolution Have an Unrecognized Flaw

An Invitation to Rethink our Belief in Civil Rule –  How Hobbes Le Us Astray

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